Main technical indicators:
Temperature range: room temperature - 350 ℃
Storage space: None
Data saving: 200
Manual preservation: 10 sets
User management: 8
Video function: None
Video playback: None
Minimum temperature display value: 0.1 ℃
Heating rate: 0.1 ℃ -- 20 ℃ (no pole adjustable for 200 gears)
Capillary size: outer diameter φ 1.4mm, inner diameter φ 1.0mm;
Accuracy: ± 0.3 ℃ (< 250 ℃)
Repeatability: melting point repeatability at 0.1 ℃ / min ± 0.1 ℃
Detection mode: full automatic detection (incompatible with manual detection)
Power supply: 220V 50Hz power: 120W
Display mode: TFT HD true color screen
Data interface: USB RS232 network port
Magnification: None
Processing capacity: 2 / batch (2 samples can be made at the same time)
Storage space: None